
Buildings of various ages clustered around a memorial.

Current affairs and local issues
About our village
Events taking place in Bagshot
A virtual tour
Bagshot's origins
Changes and Memories over the years - especially for former residents
Tracing your Bagshot ancestors
Local knowledge     Do you want to know something?
Can you help answer someone else's query?
Local people & families

Walks in and around Bagshot
Just for fun - a local knowledge quiz
Bagshot Park & the Duke of Connaught

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Site map
Promoting and advertising clubs, events and businesses

St Anne's Church
The Brook Church
Christ the King (RC) Church
Bagshot Methodist Church
Bagshot Infants School
Connaught Junior School
Bagshot Library
Bagshot Cricket Club
Bagshot Tennis Club
Bagshot Playing Fields Association
Bagshot Concert Band
Bagshot Society
Bagshot Football club
Curley Park Rangers youth football club
Scouts, Cubs & Beavers
Surrey Heath Archaeological & Heritage Trust
Surrey Heath Local History Club
Bagshot Care
Women's Institute
Heathland Conservation Society
Friday Night Youth Club
Family Centre
Windlesham Parish Council (local government)
Citizens Advice Surrey Heath
Travel & Transport and Accommodation

Bagshot's Archive CD
Lord Nelson and the New Trafalgar Dispatch
Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother

Dec 2022

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"My wife and I are fascinated with this wonderful village. People are very friendly. I could imagine that it is a wonderful place to live and bring up children. I am coming back to Bagshot very soon."     Geoffrey on visiting Bagshot for a wedding 8045.608

"Bagshot is what made me fall in love with England. I came for the first time in 1996 and was completely in awe. I have since come back to Bagshot four times and love it more each time. Thank you for this wonderful site, it brings back many good memories."        Caite (USA)665.406

"What a wonderful site. My aunt and uncle have lived in Bagshot for many years and in 2004 my husband and I had the opportunity to visit them for a week. We both absolutely fell in love with Bagshot and its history and cannot wait to return to explore a little more. Please keep up the work on this site, it is truly wonderful."        Amanda (Australia)613.0106

"How nice it is to see the pictures of the village. Bagshot looks like a lovely place to live!"   Sue ref628