Spring 2013

a mass of white daffodils with yellow centresWell, I think it is spring, though we are hard-pressed to tell.  Here in our corner of England we had a relatively mild winter and March soon got out really bright and sunny. How deceptive because later in March the temperatures plummeted and though we did not get more than a sprinkling of snow here in Bagshot the temperature was freezing for an extended period.  I feel sorry for farmers, and their animals, elsewhere in the country where sheep, particularly, were getting buried in snow drifts and lambs dying from the cold.  We heard from friends who live in North Yorkshire and they were cut off with the snow and their neighbouring farmer was having huge problems with lambing.

The weather has caused chaos with nature.  As I write this on 11 April I have in my garden snowdrops, crocus, primrose and daffodils all in flower at the same time. Those who know more about these matters than me tell us that the wild birds are having problems feeding because the insects are late coming out and this could impact on their breeding and thus the number of young.

Our local WI (Womens' Institute) are celebrating their 90th anniversary.  How else would they do it other than with a tea party in the Parish Hall where they have met since the hall was opened in 1925?  The ladies were especially thrilled to welcome as their guest of honour HRH The Countess of Wessex.

a small cluster of red flowersAnn Roberson (nee Kircher) wrote saying "Receiving Bagshot news has inspired me to get in touch with people I knew in my teens. I recently met with a group of girls - Erica Norman, Kathleen Brown, Molly Hughes, Susan Jones, Shelia Mears, Rita Cooper, June Woods, Shirley Seager, Hilda Draper, Brenda Paris, Pam Sleet and more (these are maiden names). We had such a good time and plan to meet regularly. That has got me thinking further and wonder if anyone knows of Peter Moss originally from Chobham, he went into the Royal Navy.  Its so nice to remember Bagshot in the old days when it really was a village and everyone seemed to know everyone else, the highlight of the week being the dance on a Friday night in St Anne's Hall.
a group of Boy Scouts some wearing wide brimmed hats

Were you in the 1st Bagshot Scouts?

1st Bagshot Scout Group are trying to contact as many former Scouts and leaders as they can. They want to create the 1st Bagshot Alumni and share news with past members and perhaps hear some of their stories. If you were involved with the group, or know someone who was, then please see www.bagshotscouts.org.uk


Our vicar, Rev David Chillman, was a contestant on the BBC1 TV quiz programme "Pointless" that was transmitted 5:15pm on Thursday 18 April.  You can see the show on BBC iPlayer or a catch-up-tv service.



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